Pack Mentality Read online

Page 14

  “I am Elena Fallon! I sing with my Mom and Uncle Remus. I will be a good girl and learn a lot. I want to be a big strong wolf, like my Mom. I will protect my friend. My fangs are sharp, my claws dig deep, my eyes see the unseen, and my strength will lift those I love up. I sing my first song loud and clear.”

  Gwen translated the howls and smelt the salt from Snow’s tears before she glanced over to see the proud mother trying to wipe them away even as her face lit up with a wider smile. Her happiness filled the air smelling of warmth and love. Gwen and Snow stood as Cait and Elena came over to them back in their humanoid forms.

  “Mama!” Snow scooped her daughter up.

  “You did amazing, baby!”

  “I know.”

  Snow laughed as she set her daughter back down and smiled as Cait pulled her into a hug and soft music began playing in the background as the wolves pulled out the necessary tools and items to start the midnight barbecue. Gwen took that as her cue to leave the happy couple to have their moment. She pulled Elena along with her in the direction her nose told her Remus was currently in.

  “Come on Elena, let's find Remus.”

  Gwen headed towards Remus’s unique of sandalwood but couldn’t stop her thoughts from wandering back to the voicemail on her phone. She wasn’t sure when Elena wandered off but she had the vague sense that she was alone and when she glanced down she confirmed that the little werewolf had pulled one of her disappearing acts. Sighing, she turned in the direction of the surrounding forest and wandered off towards the outskirts of the clearing to get some semblance of privacy as she pulled her phone from her back pocket and dialed her voicemail.

  The robotic sound of a woman’s voice told her she had one new message before the smooth voice of Silvia filler her ear.

  “Hey Gwen, this is Silvia, again,” there was an awkward chuckle then a short silence before a somewhat desperate sigh was released. When Silvia spoke again her voice cracked slightly,

  “I don’t know what I did to scare you off but I know when to take a hint. I just, well I can’t get you out of my mind and I hate how desperate it has made me. I’m not usually like this!

  “I just wish you—I don’t know. I don’t know what I wish. I guess, well, I guess I just wanted to see you, is all. But you obviously don’t want to see me. So, I won’t call you or text you again. I’m—I’m sorry if I creeped you out. I honestly couldn’t help myself. So, sorry and uh, goodbye.”

  The click that was followed by the robotic woman’s voice filled Gwen’s heart with both guilt and dread. What was she supposed to do now? She felt like such a bitch! Silvia was probably responding to their mating bond and was struggling to understand what exactly was happening to her. She just wanted a chance and honestly, Gwen did want to see her but something was holding her back and now she had no idea what to do.

  Of course, there was the promise she made with Remus to hold off on interacting with her for now and she was already regretting making that promise. Remus knew better than most that to hold off on cementing the mating bond could be painful to all parties involved. He had asked the impossible of her and she had agreed because she’s a coward and terrified of Silvia and Jezebel and what it would mean to bond to them. Mostly, though, she was terrified they would reject the bond. She felt a shudder run down her spine as the hollowness of Silvia’s parting words echoed in her mind. She was giving up. Gwen was going to lose her other mate even though the mating ritual had already begun! All because she was a coward. Remus was an asshole. She was a bitch. Everyone was stupid! What was she doing here, sitting her by herself and wallowing in pity while everyone else was partying? Gwen deserved her moments of wallowing.

  The pack made it so she always had to be happy-go-lucky-Gwen, but sometimes she really just wanted to be bitchy-Gwen and drink and hate everyone and everything. Tomorrow, she would wake up to a splitting headache and Remus’s disapproving looks as well as Sam irritated snorts and chuckles as she attempted to pull herself together to get through the day but right now she didn’t care about any of that. Right now, nothing else mattered besides the fact that she was too scared to call Silvia back and that she had been also somewhat ignoring Jezebel’s texts asking for another date.

  Her thumb hovered over the call back button and still, she couldn’t bring herself to touch Silvia’s name and just call the woman. Why was she so weak? So spineless? This was the quality she despised the most about herself. That when things got too challenging she always dropped her tail between her legs and ran. Her self-preservation instinct was annoyingly overactive and for her, running came before freezing or fighting.

  Gwen sighed and slipped her phone into her back pocket and instead fished out her flask. Popping off the cap released the strong musky smell of whiskey. She had stolen it from Remus’s stash a couple of nights ago. She raised it to the moon that seemed to be mocking her with its cheery glow. “Cheers you cheeky bastard!” She sang and took a deep swig only to hiss. “How can Remus drink this stuff?”

  Shaking her head, she took another swig, hissed again and laughed to herself before replacing the cap. Sighing, she glanced back to the hustle and bustle of her pack mates and decided to follow her nose to the meat and subsequently, Remus. It was best to leave complicated stuff for easier days and drink to the woes of yesterday, as alcohol was borrowed happiness that was to be paid with lost tomorrows, and the only days that were important were the days that followed, she mused to herself. Slipping the flask back out of her pocket to take another sinful swig before replacing it. She let her nose lead her to where she was needed because a werewolf’s nose always knows best.

  Art felt a chill around him as he was working on the paperwork for the official land dispute battle. His hand-scrawled out the names on the list he would have to send in soon. He was scrawling down, Vega Pride, right underneath, Werebear Scars, and he had almost finished it when the lights in his office began to flicker.

  “Damn electricity!

  “I assure you, it is not the electricity you should be worried about.”

  Art jumped to his feet and gazed upon the distorted space. “I did as you asked of me! I found who you were seeking.”

  “You found wrong.”

  “I don’t know these children you are looking for. Why do you ask this of me?”

  Death was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “I have been told that one would be close to you while the other would soon follow.”

  “Close to me?”

  “The two you found for me were close but the ones I seek were not them. Look again.”

  “I need more hints!”

  Wind whipped around Art and he gasped as the distorted space shuddered and darkness burst from out of it wrapping around him in a vice and chilling grip. The light of the room was gone and all that remained was darkness. Art tried to swallow, but it was like every muscle in his body had been frozen. A cold sweat dripped down his back as he gazed into the darkness. It was a whisper that greeted him back.

  “You will find them Art McCloud, or you will become nothing.”

  Art shuddered as a cold breath fanned against his face and he had the distinct feeling that another face was close to his. “I will.”

  There was silence and darkness.

  “Good,” the deep voice whispered into his ear and Art swore for a moment that his heart stopped. Then the darkness was gone and he was once again alone in his office. Art all but collapsed into his chair and pulled his scotch out. His hand shook spilling it onto his desk as he poured himself a drink. He gulped it down and poured another. Then he pulled out his cellphone and called Silvia’s number. He would make her find these children, or her brother would pay the cost. She still owed him a debt. Art shivered as he felt a cool breeze and glanced at his windows. They were still closed.


  It was a Saturday morning. Once upon a time Jezebel’s Saturday’s were spent sleeping in, waking mid-afternoon, and hanging out at a coffee ship writing essays until she later met up with frie
nds to hit the clubs. Now, her Saturday’s were spent—

  “Jazz—” Aaron said.

  “Jazz—” Sheik interrupted.

  Aaron grunted when a wild elbow hit him in the stomach.

  “Jazz—” he gasped and glared at his sister, “Why does she have to be here?”

  “This was my idea first, you brat,” Sheik growled.

  Jezebel said a prayer for patience and fortitude and the strength to resist killing her siblings right here and now. She parked her mom van. Turning around, she growled softly getting their attention. They stopped and held still.

  “You both have too much aggression. Ah! Don’t deny it. Neither of you plays nice with each other nor with other kids at school. Your inner beasts are too restless and obviously, don’t like each other. So, I’ve decided to sign you both up for this class as well as the meditation class at the gym. I’ve recently bought a family membership and I fully expect you both to use it regularly. Now, I’m taking you inside to introduce you to your teacher and your class starts in twenty minutes. Be respectful. Am I understood?”

  Sheik and Aaron nodded.

  “Good, now grab your bags and follow me.”

  “Yes, Ma’am!” They said in unison and jumped out of the van. Sheik managed to trip Aaron and make it to the trunk first. She pulled out her sports bag and started for the door to Cain’s kickboxing. Aaron grabbed his bag and shoved passed her, going inside. Jezebel rolled her eyes as she watched their interaction and locked up the van before following them in at a slower pace. The things she had to put up with, she thought as she pushed into the gym.

  She had just located her siblings who were both staring wide-eyed at the man and woman throwing jibes and jabs at one another in the ring. As Jezebel got closer, she quickly ascertained that the man was losing spectacularly. A familiar scent rose above the heady smell of sweat, the warm smell of sunflowers and dew that she would recognize anywhere, and tickled her nose. She looked around the gym only to lock eyes with shocked baby blue’s. A lazy smile stretched across her lips as she left her siblings making bets on who would win, a bet Jezebel was sure Sheik was going to win as she placed her’s on the woman in the ring, and made her way over to Gwen who was now sporting a healthy blush. A deep growl reverberated through the gym pulling Jezebel’s eyes to the woman on Gwen’s left. Jezebel frowned as her eyes trailed down to their interlocked fingers, yet she did not stop her progression towards them.

  Something in the pit of her stomach warmed at the sight of the two woman holding hands and standing next to one another, it was a sight that felt right, as if both of them waiting for her to come to them was meant to be. Jezebel shook off the strange thought that had her steps faltering only but a moment before she reached them. Gwen didn’t attempt to free her hand from the other woman and Jezebel was wary as she stopped a few feet from them. She shivered when the spicy jasmine scent of the other woman wafted up to her nose and wrapped around her. It was a pleasant smell, especially as it mingled with Gwen’s dew and sunflower scent. It was as if she was both in a spice shop and a flower shop, or a flower in a spice shop? Jezebel shook her head slightly to clear her thoughts which had begun to wander. She was feeling slightly hot in the presence of these two women and her hands were becoming sweaty. This all led to her addressing them with slightly more aggression than she had meant too.

  “Fancy seeing you here.”

  Gwen’s eyes softened from her earlier shock and she smiled back. “Hey, Jazz. This is Silvia,” She held up their joined hands as a way to indicate to whom she was referring to. As if it could be anyone else, Jezebel thought.

  Jezebel held out her right hand. Silvia didn’t hesitate to take it.

  “Pleasure—” Jezebel gasped as heat suddenly exploded from deep within her center. She squeezed her legs together and held back a moan.

  “Jazz?” Gwen stepped forward. “Are you—”

  “I’m fine!” She barely held back another moan when Silvia gripped her hand tighter as if expecting her to suddenly collapse.

  “Jazz, was it?” Silvia’s voice was a low husky timber that struck all the right cords within Jezebel’s body and sent a shudder straight down her back and right to her groin.

  “Oh, god,” she groaned and stumbled, black dots entering her vision as heat flooded her body, and she could feel her inner cat demon coming rapidly to the surface.

  Gwen sighed as she rested her head against the cool glass of the passenger seat window. She heard a deep scoff and turned to glare at Remus.

  “What?” she sounded bitter even to her own ears.

  “You know what.”

  It was her turn to scoff. “It’s none of your business anyway.”

  Silence was her answer, at least until the truck jerked to a sudden stop and Remus killed the engine, pulled out the key and scowled at her. “I have no pity for you, Gwen. You put yourself in this position and only you can pull yourself out of it. The worst part is that you know exactly what you have to do. You’re just too much of a wimp to do it.”


  “Suck it up and fix your problems. I’m sick of you wallowing and sighing and being a big old grump. It’s like you’re constantly pmsing, and I don’t think the guys can handle any more of it, heck, I can’t take any more of it!”

  Remus threw open his door and jumped out before slamming it behind him. Gwen’s face burned as she climbed out after him, grabbing his gym bag in the process. He was already walking towards the gym and Gwen slowly followed behind him. Looking up she saw a small sign above the door that read, Cain’s Kickboxing.

  As Remus’s words slowly sunk in, and as she got closer to the gym, she felt the pressure that had been a constant ache ever since she met both of her mates, begin to lessen until she barely noticed it. Her mind was busy mulling over what her alpha told her and she blindly followed after him. When he opened the doors to the gym the musky scent of sweat and heat engulfed her and she brought Remus’s gym bag up to her nose to block out the strong smell with his dominant one. Even as she breathed in his sandalwood smell the soft scent of jasmine wrapped around her and she felt her shoulders sag in relief even as her mind worked over her problems. She felt lighter as she trailed behind Remus and her heart beat a little easier. For some reason, her mood began to lift and the constant cloud that had been following her around seemed to shrivel up and disappear. She stopped when Remus stopped so she wouldn’t run into him. The deep timber of another man’s voice interrupted her thoughts and she looked up to see who it was.

  Gwen froze. Standing in front of her with an equally surprised expression was the woman she had been avoiding for the past couple of days. Silvia’s face was frozen for only a moment before a frown quickly overtook it and she scowled at Gwen. Nathan stepped forward, oblivious to the tension suddenly in the air.

  “Hello! You must be Remus and Gwen. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you both. Cait speaks highly of you.”

  Remus stepped forward as per custom and took Nathan’s hand in a firm grip. “You must be Nathan, Cait’s trainer.”

  The inuyoukai chuckled. “I’m hardly her trainer. She’s the one that has taught me a few things. It would be more accurate to say that I’m her living punching bag.”

  “Cait? As in Cait Fallon?”

  Nathan and Remus looked to Silvia. Nathan spoke. “You know her?”

  Silvia shook her head and Remus snorted. She glared at him. “I know of her. Is she coming here today?”

  Her brother nodded. “Should be here soon.”

  Nathan motioned to Silvia. “This is my sister, Silvia Cain.”

  Remus frowned but when Silvia’s glare intensified he chose not to correct her name. “We’ve met.”

  “You have?”

  “It’s not important Nathan—”

  “Wait, I thought your name was McCloud?” Gwen asked. Obviously missing the unspoken threat of bodily harm Silvia had been sending Remus.

  Everyone froze, then Nathan frowned. “McCloud?”

>   “Yes…” Gwen hesitated as Silvia turned her full glare on her. “But I must be mistaken.”

  Nathan nodded. “You are. My sister is a proud Cain. Next in line to lead the Cain pack. We are a large pack of inuyoukai in these parts. My sister is the next alpha after my father.”

  “Oh, I see. My mistake.”

  The awkward silence was broken when the bell dinged and none other then Cait and Snow walked in. Nathan’s face lit up. “Here they are now!” He grinned as he waved them over. Gwen shot Silvia a confused look which she pointedly ignored. Fine! If she didn’t want to clear up this whole mess of mistaken identity then she would just ignore it too!

  Cait climbed into the ring without wasting any time but Remus was still standing between Silvia and Gwen. Gwen shoved him slightly and he growled. “You promised Remus,” she whispered and he grunted but still didn’t budge.

  Finally, Cait called out to him, “You coming old man?”

  Silvia smirked at him and motioned towards the boxing ring. “I believe your opponent is ready, Remus.”

  He looked up to see Cait bouncing around in the ring while glaring at him and nodded. “It would seem so.”

  “Hurry up old man! Are you stalling?”

  He looked back at Cait. “I wouldn’t dream of using such a cheap tactic, Cait! I thought you knew me better than that. Maybe you’re the one that’s getting senile in your old age.”

  “Why don’t you get up here and I’ll show you how senile I am when I knock your head off!”

  Remus nodded but turned back to Silvia. “I guess I’ll leave Gwen in your hands for now—”


  He ignored her and leaned forward. “But if she decides that she doesn’t like your company, I expect for you to set her free. Do we have an understanding?”